• Application Period

    The Limited X-Ray Machine Operator (LXMO) program starts once a year in Fall semester and accepts applications once a year: March 1 - 31.

    Admission Process Students who become LSC students and complete all Limited X-Ray Machine Operator (LXMO) pre-program requirements (including required GPA) will be admitted to the Limited X-Ray Machine Operator (LXMO) program as long as there are available seats in the program. Acceptance is largely based on clinical site availability. In the event there are more students than seats available at a particular clinical site, priority will be given to students who completed their pre-program requirements first. Students are ranked by when pre-program requirements are completed and when they completed their application to LSC / declared Limited X-Ray Machine Operator (LXMO) as their program. In the event there are multiple students wanting the same clinical site who completed pre-program requirements in the same term AND completed their LSC application on the same date, GPA in pre-program courses will be used as a tie-breaker.

    Statement of Understanding

    Items marked with an (*) asterisk are required.

  • Clinical site preferences

    Clinical site placement for the LXMO program occurs after student acceptance. Sites are available throughout the Duluth area and within regional partner facilities. Students may request clinical rotation sites based on their residence and personal preferences.
  • By submitting this application, I agree to the following:

    View the pre-program course, GPA and math requirements in the LXMO program guide.