Financial Aid Loan Adjustment Request Form Financial Aid Loan Adjustment Request Form You can adjust a loan you’ve already requested to request a loan increase, decrease or cancellation.I want to request loan increase loan decrease or cancellation Request a loan INCREASE on e-services if you have remaining loan eligibility and if all pending requests have been processed.I understand that if the loans have been disbursed to my account, this will create a balance due to the school, and I will return these funds to LSC **If it has been more than two weeks since you received your loan, please contact your Federal Loan Servicer to pay off or reduce your loan. Contact information can be found at**Name * Required First Name Middle Initial Last Name StarID or Tech IDNeed help with your StarID?I would like to * Required CANCEL my loans for the selected term(s). DECREASE my loans for the selected term(s). Term Requested * Required Fall Spring Summer Reduce my FALL loan by: * RequiredEnter whole dollar amount. Enter zero (0) for no adjustment.Reduce my SPRING loan by: * RequiredEnter whole dollar amount. Enter zero (0) for no adjustment.Reduce my SUMMER loan by: * RequiredEnter whole dollar amount. Enter zero (0) for no adjustment.Reason for Cancellation * Required I am transferring/no longer attending LSC. I no longer need loan funding. Other Please check here if you would like us to cancel ALL of your financial aid (grants, work study, loans) at LSC. Enter your other reason for cancellation.Enter your other reason for cancellation.By checking this box, I agree to the following: * Required the adjustment of my loan, as requested above. in some situations, the adjustment above may not be reversed. I must be enrolled in at least six (6) aid-eligible credits at the time of disbursement in order to receive a federal student loan. adjustment of a loan that has already been disbursed to me will result in a balance owed to LSC. all balances due to the school must be paid in full before I can register for any additional classes. unpaid balances remaining at the end of the semester may be sent to Collections. PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.